July 25th, 2014 § § permalink
Tuesday evening’s Literary Firsts hit all the notes I want from a reading—it made me think, it made me laugh, it made me sigh. The readers were at the very top of their game, and I was thrilled to hear them share their work.
Thanks, as always, to Randolph Pfaff for handling the bulk of the recording duties, photo and video:

Amy Yelin reads her essay, “Once upon a Penis”

Jeremy P. Bushnell reads from his novel-in-progress.

Nicole Terez Dutton reads from a manuscript of prose poems.

Daniel Evans Pritchard reads his confessional essay.
Thanks to everyone who made it out, especially (of course) Amy, Nicole, Jeremy, and Dan. And if you couldn’t make it, you can check out the videos here.
I hope to see you in October when we close out 2014 with our autumn reading—more details soon!
July 22nd, 2014 § § permalink
See you tonight at Middlesex Lounge for Jeremy P. Bushnell, Nicole Terez Dutton, Amy Yelin, and Daniel Evans Pritchard!
7pm, 315 Mass Ave: be there!

June 15th, 2014 § § permalink

Nicole Terez Dutton is a shot of Hot Damn.
Nicole Terez Dutton‘s work has appeared in Callaloo, Ploughshares, 32 Poems, Indiana Review, and Salt Hill Journal. Nicole earned an MFA from Brown University and is currently serving as the the 2013 Dartmouth Poet in Residence at the Frost Place. She has been awarded the fellowships at the Fine Arts Work Center, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Cave Canem, and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She is the winner of the 2011 Cave Canem Poetry Prize for If One Of Us Should Fall. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts and teaches at the Solstice MFA Program at Pine Manor College and Grub Street.
Nicole is the poet for the July 22 reading.
May 28th, 2014 § § permalink

Not that I’m opposed to red, white, and blue in July, but summer in Boston puts me more in mind of red, yellow, and orange. Popsicles, sunburn, sand–perhaps a sultry reading.
So meet me at Middlesex Lounge on Tuesday, July 22, at 7pm. I’ll bring the entertainment: Jeremy will bring the fiction; Amy will bring the non-fiction; Nicole will bring the poetry; and Daniel will bring the confessional tale.
Can’t wait to see you there—