March 14th, 2012 § § permalink
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In observation of our impending second anniversary, we’ve decided to add a splash of color to this April’s promotional images.
To that end, stop by Middlesex Lounge on April 16 to help us celebrate! On Monday, April 16 at 7pm, Kimberly Duncan-Mooney, Timothy Patrick McCarthy, Randolph Pfaff, and Kate Sloan will share their words and work and you’ll love every minute!
So be sure to be there and help us kick off our third year right!
(Also, last year, there were cookies–perhaps balloons this year?)
March 13th, 2012 § § permalink

Kate Sloan is the bandana on your wrist.
Kate Sloan was born and raised in Michigan. Before moving to Boston, she attended Michigan State University (known in other parts of the country as not U of M) where she edited The Red Cedar Review, illicitly climbed her first fire escape, and earned a degree in English and creative writing. She currently spends her time getting paid to edit textbooks she vaguely understands while writing things she loves for free on the Internet. To derail her steady income, she’s currently applying to grad school. She writes occasionally on comics and life for The Idler and keeps a blog at
Kate is the essayist for the April 16 reading.
February 5th, 2012 § § permalink
We’re hopping over at AP–the second print issue of apt just came out and we’re running a contest to celebrate–but I wanted to make sure that you mark your dance cards for the next Literary Firsts reading.
So, dust off your fanciest shoes and join us at 7pm on Monday, April 16 at the Middlesex Lounge when Kimberly Duncan-Mooney will be our fiction writer, Kate Sloan will be our essayist, Randolph Pfaff will be our poet, and Tim McCarthy will be our confessional reader.
On a personal note, that will mark the start of our third year, so we’re all going to have to sing happy birthday to LF. I promise not to cry.