A reminder, as brought to you by the Boston Phoenix

April 11th, 2012 § 0 comments

The crew over at The Boston Phoenix chose Literary Firsts as one of their Editors’ Picks this week!

“Does the thought of standing up in front of a roomful of people and recounting the tale of your very first sexual experience sort of make you want to hurl? Assuming you’re like us, and didn’t swagger out of the womb a muscled stud muffin with moves like Jagger to spare, it likely does. Well, that’s why none of us are participants in the quarterly reading series Literary Firsts. The “sexiest reading series” isn’t all about doing the nasty, though. The featured performers read poems, stories, essays, and monologues about any number of personal experiences; sex just happens to factor prominently. The titillating series turns two years old this month, for which they’re having a special anniversary event on Monday April 16, featuring fiction writer Kimberly Duncan-Mooney, poet Randolph Pfaff, essayist Kate Sloan, and confessional writer Timothy Patrick McCarthy.”

And don’t forget that we’re raffling* off three copies of the latest issue of apt!

See you Monday!

* – by “raffling,” I mean giving-away-for-free-an-action-for-which-there’s-no-quick-and-easy-verb

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